Thursday, October 31, 2013

Creation Story

                There are so many creation stories that are told. Some are scientific based, like the Big Bang theory, some are religion based, God created the world, and some are based on stories that were passed down.  No matter what type of creation story you believe in they all depict the same thing. how the world or other things around you came to be. One such story is the Coyote and the Pebbles by Deyton Edmonds, is a creation story if how the star came to be. Stories like these are very interesting because they explain the creation of the stars in such a simplistic manner that anyone would be able to understand. Creations stories like the Coyote and the Pebbles are probably aimed more at curious children but you don't have to be one to enjoy them.
                One creation story that stood out to me was told to me by my AP US History teacher. Everyone says that you can not be a scientist and be religious at the same time. Well, my teachers father was. He was a scientist and was a very religious man. He does not doubt the Big Bang theory but also believes that in order for the Big Bang to happen some type of external force gave that little push that cause the creation of our planets. And that is where God comes in to play. I really found this interesting, this story depicted the balance between science and religion. It showed that science and religion can co-exist.

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